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Self Storage

Cowes Self Storage – Industrial Way, Cowes

Modern and secure, this state of the art storage facility features storage units of various sizes. 

Options available include:

2.1m x 2.6m

2.4m x 2.7m

3.5m x 8m

4.3m x 7.3m

Boat, Caravan & RV Storage – Industrial Way, Cowes 

These monitored and gated storage bays are perfect for those searching for covered space to store their caravan, motorhome, boat or jet ski. 

Bays are approximately 4m wide and 9m long and are able to be equipped with solar panels to charge batteries for an additional fee.

Secure Self Storage – Shorland Way, Cowes

This gated and monitored storage facility is located in a convenient and central Cowes position. 

Shed sizes are (approximately): 

2.7m x 3.5m and; 

3m x 8m

These facilities are proudly managed by the team at Ray White Phillip Island. Contact us today for availability and pricing.

Phillip Island Storage – Settlement road, Cowes

A secure indoor storage facility with easy access and positioned in a prime location.

Options include;

3m x 3.2m 

3.9m x 4.2m

7.6m x 2.7m

8m x 3.4m

These facilities are proudly managed by the team at Ray White Phillip Island. Contact us today for availability and pricing.