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Reform of Residential Tenancies Act

The laws that govern renting in Victoria are 20 years old, during this time the needs of renters and landlords have changed dramatically.  The current review of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (RTA) will ensure regulation of Victoria’s rental sector meets the needs of tenants and landlords. The review is examining issues including security of tenure, dispute resolution and the regulation of property conditions.

The central theme of security of tenure, which provided the impetus for the review, has informed a range of proposals. These include, a requirement that landlords have clear reasons for ending tenancies, protections against termination when tenants seek to enforce their rights, and more flexibility for tenants to end a tenancy early when they receive a notice to vacate. The review also canvasses options for requiring landlords who intend to sell their property to disclose this before entering into a tenancy agreement.

Changes recommended as part of the review are expected to be introduced into the Victorian Parliament in 2018. This will help ensure the growing number of Victorians who are renting, and the people they rent from, are better supported by the regulatory framework for residential tenancies.

To read more regarding these changes, please click on this link: Review of Residential Tenancies Act

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